Healthy Homemade Ranch and My First Wednesday Weigh-In

Well Friends,

I am very excited to announce that I am officially back on the road of my health journey. However, this post is a little difficult for me to write for so many reasons. I am a little embarrassed/nervous to share/expose my weight and health problems with the world, but I guess this will all just give me that much more motivation to actually stick to what I start.

I have always had a desire to be healthy, and at several points in my life I was, but the last few years have not been kind to my body, and I have dealt with a lot of health problems as a result of my weight gain. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 20, and have yo-yo dieted/gained weight/lost weight for the past decade +, and all these many years later, I am just now coming to terms with what it all really means for me. I know that it's time, it's now or never for me to get my health and my life on track. I've committed  myself to health and weight loss over and over again for the last SEVERAL years, but I know that I need to start holding myself accountable and really making commitments and getting ACTUAL changes/results. So many women inspire me, especially on Instagram, with their stories of health and successful weight loss, without any pills, gimmicks, or surgeries. Just good, old fashioned health and fitness. I have the cutest baby girl, and she is my greatest motivation right now. When I look into those sweet, blue eyes, I know that I want more for her. I want her to have a healthy, happy mommy, who loves herself and is a shining example of strength, confidence, healthy eating, and daily exercise. I also want to be able to play with her and chase her around, which will probably start happening over the next couple of months. I have a husband that I also adore, and I want to travel the world with him and do spectacular things over our next eternity together. And who honestly wants to travel when they are heavy, have no energy, and are sick? Not me! I'm also terrified of the inevitable health problems I will face if I don't get the weight off. I have a family history of diabetes, heart problems, stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, etc.

So, like I said- it's time! I am joining a gym today, will be taking walks with my daughter, will be using MyFitnessPal, watching my calories and the kind of foods I eat (I am still doing Disney Fridays- my CHEAT DAY- and everything else I eat will be in moderation), and I will be weighing in every Weds, on here, and letting y'all hold me accountable.

Not gonna lie, I'm slightly terrified of this whole thing. What if I fail? What if I give up? What if I look like a total moron?

But what if I succeed? What if I conquer my fears and embarrassment? What if I triumph over my challenges? Haven't I been posting motivational sayings every Sunday? Aren't I always telling people to thrive and not just survive? Where's that girl? She's right here ladies and gentlemen. All 258.2 lbs of her (I still cannot believe I am posting this!)
Ignore my undone toes and the time on the scale (I have never bothered to adjust it)

So here's to health! Here's to weight loss! Here's to me taking my life back!

And to start off this little journey, I made some homemade ranch the other day, and instead of using mayo, I used plain Greek non-fat yogurt and it cut the calories in half and bumped up the protein! 42 calories per serving (2 tbsp)!

So here it is and enjoy!

Healthy Homemade Ranch
(recipe adapted from The Crafty Blog Stalker)


  • Mix
    • 1/2 Cup Black Pepper 
    • 1 1/2 Cups Parsley Flakes 
    • 1/2 Cup Garlic Salt 
    • 2 Tbsp Kosher Salt 
    • 1/4 Cup Granulated Garlic 
    • 3/4 Cup Granulated Onion 
    • 2 Tbsp Dill Weed 
  • Dressing
    • 2 Cups Plain, Non-Fat Greek Yogurt
    • 2 Cups Buttermilk
    • 1 1/2 Cups Sour Cream
    • 1 tsp Lemon Juice


  • Combine all ingredients, store in an airtight container (I used a mason jar). Makes about 3 ½ cups of dry mix.
  • To Make Dressing-whisk together 2 Tbsp of mix with 2 Cups each of greek yogurt and buttermilk, 1 ½ Cups sour cream, & 1 tsp Lemon Juice. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Makes 1 ¾ Quarts.


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